Download a Free SECR Example Report

An example SECR for any business that has to comply with the regulations. Use as the basis for your own SECR report, or let our experts take you through the process!
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What is an SECR Report and why does it matter?

An SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) Report is a mandatory disclosure for large UK companies, requiring them to report their energy usage, carbon emissions, and energy efficiency measures as part of their annual financial filings.

Introduced by the UK government in 2019, SECR aims to increase corporate transparency on carbon emissions and encourage businesses to reduce their environmental impact.

Who Needs to Comply with SECR?

SECR applies to quoted companies (i.e. listed on a public stock exchange), or unquoted companies and LLPs defined as "large" under the regulation.

This covers approximately 11,900 businesses in the UK. The reporting requirements are different depending on whether you are quoted or unquoted.

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What Are The SECR Reporting Requirements?

In short, SECR requires business to report their annual energy usage and associated carbon emissions.

The exact data required differs depending on whether you are quoted or unquoted, but for most businesses it mainly relates to electricity, gas and transport fuel usage.

How Can I Get Started?

With our automated reporting software and expert support, you can submit your SECR report with confidence.

We go beyond compliance, helping you build a comprehensive, robust climate action strategy to engage your clients and team.

Get in contact to speak to one of our experts about the process and how we can help!

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Download an example SECR Report

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Some common questions answered around our template.

What is the purpose of SECR?

SECR aims to increase transparency in energy usage and carbon emissions, encouraging businesses to improve energy efficiency and support the UK's climate goals.

How does SECR benefit businesses?

By assessing and disclosing energy use, businesses can identify efficiency improvements, leading to cost savings and enhanced sustainability credentials.

What emissions should companies report under SECR?

Companies must report Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and unquoted companies must report Scope 3 emissions related to employee travel in personal vehicles.

How should SECR data be reported?

SECR data must be integrated into the company’s annual financial report, or presented separately for unquoted companies.

Can estimates be used for SECR data?

Yes, estimates can be used when primary data is unavailable, such as when using co-working spaces or missing energy data.

Still have questions?

Book a demo or get in touch and we'll be happy to help.