Carbon footprinting and emissions reduction for law firms.
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The carbon impact of legal advice
You want to play your part in tackling the climate crisis, and engage your clients and team in a way that's genuine, but it's tricky to know where to start. What does environmental sustainability mean for you as a law firm?
The first step is getting to grips with what your impact actually is by measuring your carbon footprint. Practically, this means collecting data you hold on the things you do as a business, and translating it into a carbon impact using the rules set out in the GHG Protocol (the gold standard for carbon accounting).
Once you understand your footprint, you can make informed choices to reduce it - from how you travel, to engaging your team, and evaluating the products you buy.
If this sounds like a steep learning curve, we're here to help.
How Seedling works
We help law firms to measure a full scope, GHG Protocol compliant carbon footprint, and build a plan to reduce emissions in line with the SBTi's Net Zero target. How do we do it? Using intuitive software plus 1:1 support from an expert to guide you through the process. We're experienced in helping law firms move beyond simple spend based assessments to build an accurate view of emissions.
Measure and influence employees commuting and WFH emissions.
Business travel
Use activity data to build an accurate view of travel emissions.
With a click, engage your clients and other stakeholders in your Net Zero journey.
Read the latest climate action insights
Chat to an expert
Measure a full-scope footprint, reduce emissions, and share your Net Zero strategy.